Saturday, August 6, 2016

Not So Much Glamour!

There was a Washington Post article recently about the Olympics. It might be good to read.

To the left you see a picture of one of the hotels we use for our hospitality program. Where I stood to take this picture this morning is near the edge of "hooker" central. I swear, if these women sneeze there will be nothing left to the imagination.

I walk through this area to this hotel every morning at about 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. and I am here to tell you, business must be great!

Today we had a team head all the way out to the Rugby pitches for matches and, from what I understand, it was a 45 minute walk from where the bus dropped them off to where they needed to be for the events.

I feel some ambivalence in the atmosphere now. Of course, the TV feeds are amazing and everyone gets to see the best of the best. Unfortunately, that is not all there is to the Olympics. There are literally a ton of people doing a ton of work for these amazing athletes. In my opinion that is exactly how it should be. These amazing individuals work long and hard hours to compete on this, one of the world's largest sports stage. 

The picture on the right is a shot from my armored car today taken near
the beach and close to one of the broadcast facilities. Note the added security near the facility. It was warmer here today and the beaches seemed to fill up. I have yet had the time to actually walk on the beach and one of my goals is to get some real bikini pics. Hillary told me it was OK.

BTW, today is Hillary's birthday and once again I'm not there to celebrate with her. Last year we were both in Sturgis and in years previous I was on the road or ... maybe at Sturgis. In any case, take a minute to tell her Happy Birthday. I am very proud of how she's handled the last year.

This Olympics is different. I am beginning to believe I may not have the same opportunities as past Olympics. This will be my last. The hours are grueling! More when I get a chance.Thanks for reading.



  1. I didn't think they wore bikinis... Our anything else! 😂

  2. Still looking for the Bikinis. Raining today.
