Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thoughts from Today

Alright everyone, here is the only bikini picture I've had time to take and this
was from the other day when we were at the Today Show taping.

I had to make a trip from one hotel to the other today and decided to walk. It's a beautiful day in Rio. The sun is out and people were simply walking up and down the Copacabana Beach. There actually was NO traffic. It's almost like a ghost town.

The feeling in the air is changing again. We're only three days away from the "end" and I can feel things kind of winding down.

I want to express something I also noticed in Sochi. I spent time today just watching people and I truly believe "we are all basically the same." Yes, there are good and bad, we all are very aware of that fact. However, I see everyone going about their business and living their lives. I have no idea what they are stressing about and they simply do not know what might be stressing me. They are working on their lives trying to keep things moving forward. I the thought extremely interesting. What I also find interesting is how it is next to impossible to tell nationality etc. until someone opens their mouth. Otherwise, we are simply all the same! Just my observation.

It seems like we're finally getting into the ebb and flow of the Games and its demands and at the same time, we're beginning to think about getting packed up and going home. We have a ton of work to do before next Thursday and we really can not get started until Monday morning.

There is a great deal of "drama" also going on between the Brazilian authorities,
athletes, and International Olympic Committee (IOC) members. Nothing really to publish here. Suffice to say there are ongoing dramas unfurling. I think Brazil is tired of taking the brunt of criticism in over hyped and bad media stories. Every Olympics (based on the two previous I've attended) has its problems. They are always different and they always exist.

On the home front, I miss Hillary, Amber, the kids (cats & dog) and our neighbors. Apparently Suzie got in trouble today with Hillary and got yelled at. It is hard to stay mad at that face.

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